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Looking for an easy way to get caught up on the latest in teen dating violence research? Up-to-date, empirical research has a critical role to play in the practice of Teen Dating Violence intervention programs, and PREVNet aims to support ease-of-access to this research.

A number of cutting-edge research articles have been selected for their direct applicability to our Community of Practice projects, and two-page summaries have been generated from each article. Each month, we’ll feature four of these plain-language summaries in a blog post. Whether you are a part of PREVNet’s Community of Practice Addressing Youth Dating Violence, or a parent, caregiver, or educator, these research summaries will provide you with the crucial information needed for teen dating violence awareness and intervention.

You can view all of our research summaries here, or keep reading to see the featured articles for June.

Transgender Identity and Experiences of Violence

This study found that transgender youth report significantly more experiences of physical and sexual dating violence than their cisgender peers. This result indicates that strategies to protect transgender youth from victimization are critically needed. Primarily, transphobia and other discrimination faced by transgender students cannot be ignored as part of prevention strategies, as it is a root cause of victimization.

Read the two-page summary here.

Full Reference: Johns, M. M., Lowry, R., Andrzejewski, J., Barrios, L. C., Demissie, Z., McManus, T., Rasberry, C. N., Robin, L., & Underwood, J. M. (2019). Transgender Identity and Experiences of Violence Victimization, Substance Use, Suicide Risk, and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among High School Students—19 States and Large Urban School Districts, 2017. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 68(3), 67–71.

Technology-Assisted Dating Violence

With the increased use of technology-based communication among adolescents, instigating violence electronically has been recognized as a form of adolescent dating violence. Technology provides new opportunities for victimization and perpetration of dating violence, may increase the frequency, and has unique consequences. Understanding the overlap between on- and offline dating violence is important for future policy, practice, and research.

Read the two-page summary here.

Full Reference: Stonard, K. (2018). The prevalence and overlap of technology-assisted and offline adolescent dating violence. Current Psychology.

Revictimization after Experiencing Adolescent Dating Violence

This study was designed to compare differences between individuals who did and did not experience dating violence as adolescents in terms of risk for adult intimate partner violence victimization. The study found that individuals who experienced adolescent dating violence were at a higher risk of experiencing physical intimate partner violence 5 years later. This finding indicates that adolescent dating violence can be part of a cycle, making it critical to intervene with adolescents experiencing dating violence.

Read the two-page summary here.

Full Reference: Exner-Cortens, D., Eckenrode, J., Bunge, J., & Rothman, E. (2017). Revictimization After Adolescent Dating Violence in a Matched, National Sample of Youth. The Journal of Adolescent Health: Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 60(2), 176–183.

Aggression in Middle School Students

The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between teen dating violence and other forms of aggression by studying middle school students. Understanding the relationship between sexual harassment, bullying, and teen dating violence perpetration is important to help create and guide targeted intervention programs to help reduce aggressive behaviour that may later lead to teen dating violence. The research findings of this study can be helpful in creating and implementing prevention and intervention programs.

Read the two-page summary here.

Full Reference: Cutbush, S., Williams, J., & Miller, S. (2016). Teen dating violence, sexual harassment, and bullying among middle school students: Examining mediation and moderated mediation by gender. Prevention Science. doi: 10.1007/ s11121-016-0668-x