Preventing Youth Dating Violence

What Caregivers Need to Know

Caregiver’s Role


Learn about adolescent relationships and dating violence.

It is important to be informed as caregivers.

  • Understand that the quality of dating relationships (healthy vs. unhealthy vs. violent) is impacted by early relationship experiences and lessons learned during childhood and pre-adolescence
  • Know how to approach a conversation about relationships, sex, dating, and dating violence

Talk to your child about healthy relationships, boundaries, consent, and dating violence.

Caregivers are an essential source of information for children. You can teach your child about boundaries, consent, and healthy relationships starting from a young age.


Build healthy relationships and safety skills with your child.

Build skills to seek help, resolve conflicts, and regulate emotion. Use consequences and teaching moments to encourage empathy and non-violent conflict resolution.


Learn what to do if your child discloses YDV to you.

If your child tells you that they are experiencing or using dating violence, it is important that you know what to do to help them.


Teach your child how to support friends.

Youth often disclose dating violence to their friends rather than to adults. You can instruct your child on what to do and how to support peers who are involved in YDV.


Advocate for equitable and safe practices in your child’s communities and school.

Certain groups of youth experience a compounded burden in their families, schools, and communities. You can both support youth directly and advocate on their behalf.